Nominations sought for
2009 Outstanding Alumni


Texas A&M’s College of Architecture is now accepting nominations to honor its former students, who have emerged as leaders and top contributors in their respective fields, as Outstanding Alumni of the college.

In a recent letter, Jorge Vanegas, interim dean of the college urged alumni to “nominate exceptional former students who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and character, and significantly contributed to the professions and industries engaged in the natural, built, and virtual environments.”

Nominations must be received by May 4, and honorees will be officially recognized at an awards banquet this fall.

To date, the college has recognized 102 former students as Outstanding Alumni, including six new honorees in 2008:

  • J. Paul Bohn ’84, ’86, vice president, director of operations for SmithGroup California;
  • Shannon Rankin ’82, ’86, principal and founding partner of SkB Architects;
  • Randy Rehmann ’78, president and CEO of Dynamic Systems, Inc.;
  • Bryan Trubey ’83, design principal of HKS Inc.;
  • Joe T. Verdoorn ’70, ’71, principal of SEC Planning LLC, and
  • Mark Wamble ’83, principal of Interloop—Architecture.

“Many of the men and women who earned degrees from any of the 14 degree programs in the four departments in the college have become the leaders of some of the largest architecture, construction, planning, and landscape architecture firms in the country,” said Vanegas. “Some have served as presidents and chairpersons of national professional associations and foundations or have become internationally acclaimed visual artists, designers, and educators. Every one of these individuals is an inspirational role model, as our current students envision and map their own journeys as their professional careers begin.”

The college will consider nominees for Outstanding Alumni who meet the following criteria:

  • have graduated with a degree from the College of Architecture, or its predecessor academic designations at Texas A&M University or the A&M College of Texas;
  • are prominent in their chosen profession, with a record of impressive accomplishments that have been formally recognized by their peers;
  • have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and character, whose work demonstrates excellence, significance, relevance, and impact;
  • have personal and/or professional achievements that reflect positively on the College of Architecture and Texas A&M University.

For the nomination form and details on the nomination criteria download this PDF document .

For a complete list and bios of College of Architecture Outstanding Alumni visit:

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2008 honoree bios

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