Breathe Hope

Student ogranization battling cystic fibrosis in
honor of late BED student, Lindsay Widener


Breathe Hope, a university-recognized student organization, raises funds to battle cystic fibrosis in memory of Linsday Widener, a former environmental design student who lost her spirited battle with the disease in October 2005. She was just a semester away from graduating.

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 children and adults in the United States.

While fighting the disease, Widener underwent a double lung transplant. She recovered well enough to attend Texas A&M, but withdrew spring 2005 due to failing health. She was posthumously awarded a Bachelor of Environmental Design degree.

In August 2007, The Battalion published a story about Widener with details about the work of Breathe Hope.

The Breathe Hope website may be accessed at

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Lindsay Widener
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