Aggie soldier/alum in Afghanistan
comments on Bin Laden's death


Speaking to the Architectural Record, shortly after the death of Osama bin Laden, Maj. Gregory Taylor ’90, a licensed architect and Texas A&M former student serving with the U.S. Army Reserve in Afghanistan, said his fellow soldiers were eager for details.

“Everyone wanted to see how he had died and where the U.S. military had found him,” said the environmental design graduate and former member of the Corp of Cadets in a May 3, 2011 online report.

“Some of the interpreters who work with me on the base said they thought the death of the Al Qaeda leader would be a cause for celebration in Afghanistan,” Taylor told the Architectural Record. “It was almost a feeling of jubilation.”

A team leader in the Reserve’s Infrastructure Training Advisory Group (ITAG), Taylor said his mission is to assess facilities and mentor facility engineers in the Afghan National Army Directorate of Public Works in facility operation and maintenance.

This is his second tour in Afghanistan. In 2005 and 2006, he was stationed at Bagram Airfield near Charikar in Parwan province.

The Architectural Record's interview with Taylor is available online.


- Posted: May 13, 2011 -

— the end —

Contact:   Phillip Rollfing, or 979.458.0442.


Major Gregory Taylor ’90

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