College, architecture department to host
reception at AIA Convention in Florida


Texas A&M former students and friends are invited to join their former classmates and professors at the annual Aggie AIA Reception to be held in conjunction with the American Institute of Architects' 2010 National Convention in Miami.

The Texas A&M College of Architecture and Department of Architecture are co-sponsoring the former student reception 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Friday, June 11 at Texas de Brazil Churrascaria, a Brazilian steakhouse located at 300 Alton Rd. in Miami Beach (see map).

Those planning to attend the reception are urged to RSVP by June 4 to Melinda Randle at 979.847.8918 or

The AIA 2010 National Convention and Design Exposition: Design as Exploration will be held June 10 – 12 at the Miami Convention Center. See AIA Convention website for details.


- Posted: Mar. 29, 2010 -

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