Former student’s home, artist retreat
showcased in New York Times article


A Texas A&M College of Architecture former student’s home in North Carolina, which also serves as a gallery for her art collection and a studio to host artists in residence, was featured in the July 8 issue of the New York Times.

Ellen Cassilly, who earned a Bachelor of Environmental Design degree from Texas A&M in 1983, and her husband Frank, built the home, which they named Cassilhaus, near Durham, N.C. on a slope overlooking a forest.

The 2,400-square-foot house with an 800-square-foot artist’s space has “a megaphone of a view,” said Cassilly.

She and her husband, Frank Konhaus, began their design with a Play-Doh model. It took three years to design the home, and 11 months to build it.

For the Times story, visit

A slideshow of the home to accompany the story is at

The two maintain a blog, “Cassilhaus, A Contemporary Architectural Adventure,” at The blog contains many more photos of the unique residence.

- Posted: Sept. 22, 2009-

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