Robert Riggs tells students how
technology is influencing career


Robert Riggs lecture: Environmental Design 101 from TAMU College of Architecture on Vimeo.

An award-winning journalist and outstanding alumnus of the Texas A&M College of Architecture detailed his thoughts about students' futures and the changes the Internet has wrought on his professional career during a guest lecture that's available for viewing online.

Robert Riggs, who earned a Bachelor of Environmental Design degree in 1971, visited a design class led by Rodney Hill, professor of architecture on Oct. 29.

After graduating, Riggs became one of the nation's top television reporters, winning a coveted George Foster Peabody award and three Alfred I. duPont Columbia University Journalism awards.

In Hill's class, Riggs spoke about skills students will need when they enter the marketplace and his current business venture, Blue Sky Productions, which produces videos for online and cable TV distribution.


- Posted: Dec. 03, 2009-

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