Former student’s Chipotle restaurant
designs featured in Architect magazine


Scott Shippey has found that after 10 years of designing Chipotle restaurants, it’s still “awesome.”

“They’re cool,” is how Shippey described the restaurants to Amanda Kolson Hurley in her story in the June issue of Architect magazine. He received a Bachelor of Environmental Design degree in 1993 from Texas A&M University’s College of Architecture. “I hate to sound like a juvenile about it, but they’re cool.”

Shippey, Chipotle’s director of design, was quoted often about the Denver-based company’s approach to design and its explosive growth.

“Our food is simple ingredients—it's what you do with them (that counts),” he told the magazine. “The idea with the architecture was, let's take these simple, rudimentary materials, but what we do with them will say something, and we'll get a look out of that.”

Amanda Kolson Hurley’s Chipotle story is available at the Architect Magazine website.

There’s a Chipotle, designed by Shippey, in College Station at 815 University Drive.

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Scott Shippey

The Chipotle restaurant in College Station, as well as many others around the country, was designed by College of Architecture graduate Scott Shippey.
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