BED student's fame grows
with hoop trick shot troupe


It began with bets over basketball shots in a backyard hoop.

Now, Texas A&M environmental design major Garrett Hilbert and his partners in the trick shot group "Dude Perfect" are making commercials for GMC Sierra trucks for the NBA playoffs.

The group's latest coup was a shot, taken by fellow "Dude" member Tyler Toney, from a low-flying airplane for a GMC truck advertisement.

The two were guests on CBS' Early Show to talk about the shot.

In another GMC spot, Hilbert swished the "pendulum shot," in which a hoop was hoisted high on a crane.

Hilbert and his fellow hoop shooters' exploits have been on "Regis and Kelly," "Good Morning America," ESPN and numerous websites.

Their national stature began after the group posted videos of their improbable shots from the upper deck of Kyle Field, while wakeboarding on Styrofoam behind a four-wheeler, and have since included swishes from the catwalk of Sacramento's Arco Arena and the balcony of California's state capitol.

See their amazing shots on the Dude Perfect website.


- Posted: June 9, 2010 -

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Contact:   Phillip Rollfing, or 979.458.0442.


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