BED major, fellow students gain
fame through trick shot videos


A senior environmental design major at Texas A&M is among a group of students dubbed “Dude Perfect” who have rocketed to national fame through a series of YouTube videos featuring their basketball trick shots.

Garrett Hilbert and his fellow students have been on ABC, CBS and ESPN talking about the videos, which feature the seven students making baskets from the third deck of Kyle Field, over rooftops and while wakeboarding on Styrofoam behind an 18-wheel truck.

“Debate has been raging over the authenticity of the videos,” wrote the Battalion’s Katy Ralston,  “but Dude Perfect's philosophy has been ‘just because it's hard doesn't mean it's impossible.’”

For Ralston’s story, visit

For a slew of Dude Perfect videos, visit


- Posted: Oct. 26, 2009 -

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