Graduate students awarded AIA
fellowships for research projects


Last May, two graduate architecture students at Texas A&M earned American Institute of Architects fellowships to pursue research projects in healthcare architecture. One is studying factors affecting the usability of restorative outdoor spaces in pediatric hospitals, and the other is developing design guidelines for a cancer therapy regimen that may become available to U.S. residents in the future.

Samira Pasha, a doctoral student in architecture, and Dyutima Jha, a Master of Architecture student, both received an Arthur N. Tuttle Jr. Graduate Fellowship in Health Facility Planning and Design.

Pasha, whose research focuses on the design features of outdoor spaces at pediatric hospitals, is investigating the main factors discouraging garden and outdoor space visitation for patients and their families.

“Research shows that outdoor spaces (at hospitals) utilizing nature can cut costs directly or indirectly by reducing length of stay, fewer pain medication requests, and higher patient and staff satisfaction,” Pasha wrote in her research abstract. “Yet, if outdoor spaces fail to attract visitors, their economic return remains uncertain.”

Jha is developing design guidelines for using carbon therapy at cancer treatment centers in the U.S., a technique not yet available here, but used in Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Austria and Japan.

“My study aims at understanding this technology in the context of the American healthcare system,” she wrote; her research will include a visit to a prototype carbon therapy center in Germany.

After creating the guidelines, she said, she will design a treatment facility as part of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston’s expansion scheme.

Since established in 1987, 25 Texas A&M architecture students have received the AIA Arthur N. Tuttle Jr. Graduate Fellowship in Health Facility Planning and Design.

Following is a list of Aggies who have received the prestigious fellowship and, when available, the receipient’s research subject.

Terrence R. Gent

Ernest J. Brinkley

Robert E. Kelly, AIA

Edward G. Stanislowski
"Waco General Hospital"

David A. Lopez, AIA
"Community Hospital, Kingwood, TX"

Debra Phillips, AIA
"Design Concepts for Cost Containment in Health Facilities"

James N. Vandenberg, AIA
"The Future of Computerized Diagnostic Center"

Kenneth R. Falcon
"Trends in Cancer Care as They Affect the Design of a Comprehensive Cancer Center"

Marcus A. Budaus
"Issues and Trends in Designing Children's Health Facilities for the 21st Century"

Brenda K. Byrd
"Children's Outpatient Care—A Comprehensive, Community Approach to Ambulatory Care for Children"

Alicen Hall Herrin
"Hospital Related Facilities for the Elderly: A Continuum of Care"

Carl D. Lintner, Assoc. AIA
"The Cancer Patient's Perspectives on Facilities Design"

Kristy Walvoord Franta
"Future Issues and Trends in the Design of Women's Healthcare Facilities"

David O. DeLeon
"Issues and Trends in the Design of Pediatric Oncology Facilities in the 21st Century"

Richard Lee Rucksdashel
"Issues and Trends in the Design of Cardiac Care Facilities in the 21st Century"

Bhargav Goswami
"Design of Rehabilitiation Facilities as Components of Acute Care Hospitals"

Prithi P. Venkatram
"Designing for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Related Dementias"

Myo Boon Hur, Assoc. AIA
"Design of Rehabilitation Facilities for the Elderly"

Hilal Ozcan
"Healing Environments: A Holistic Approach to the Physical Setting to Social Interaction Function in Pediatric Intensive Care Units in the USA and Turkey"

Rodney Shane Boren
"Cherokee Nation Masterplan"

Min -Young Seo
"Culture and Eldercare"

Jin Gyu Park
"Environmental Color for Pediatric Patient Room Design"

Zhipeng Lu
“Walking for Healthy Living: Walkable Corridors in Assisted Living Facilities”

Dyutima Jha
“Carbon Therapy Center Design Guidelines”

Samira Pasha
“Usability of Outdoor Spaces in Children’s Hospitals for Patients and Their Families”


- Posted: June 17, 2009-

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