Tabb’s Serenbe design
praised in AIArchitect


For creating a “sense of place” as the master planner of a community in Georgia, Phillip Tabb, professor of architecture at Texas A&M, was lauded in the May 29 issue of AIArchitect.

“The stronger the sense of place, the more people feel invested in the community and strive to preserve it,” wrote Michael Crosbie. “Such a notion of sustainability is at the heart of the design of a new community, Serenbe, just outside of Atlanta.”

Tabb, he wrote, hasn’t just planned a distinctive layout that achieves sustainable density while keeping nature in close proximity.

“On a 1 to 5 scale, residents give Serenbe an average grade of 4.3 for the perceived presence of place and a grade of 3.9 for its expression in built form,” he wrote. “Tabb and his colleagues are to be commended for their efforts to actually measure whether their designs are achieving the sense of placemaking that their design strives for.”

Crosbie’s article is available at


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- Posted: June 17, 2009 -

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