Viz students render guardian
creatures from papier-mâché


A menagerie of phantasmal creatures realized in papier-mâché by first-year visualization students populated the Viz 106 design studios on the third floor of the Langford C buiilding as the spring 2011 semester drew to an end.

Students were asked to conceptualize a "guardian creature" then render its likeness in papier-mâché. The challenge, however, was for the final sculpture to appear as if it was made from an alternative material, such as stone, wood or metal; a material that made sense with the form and culture from which the character arose.

Dick Davison, professor of visualization, and his graduate assistant, Natalie Pittman, a third-year MS Visualization student, led the studios.

Click on images for slideshow


- Posted: May 2, 2011 -

— the end —

Contact:   Phillip Rollfing, or 979.458.0442.


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