Students use spooky typography
in Hajash's graphic design class


Students in a graphic design class led by Donna Hajash, senior lecturer in visualization, tacked their typographic expressions of the word "Halloween" to a first-floor wall of Langford A.

Hajash's students created three closely related 9-inch by 9-inch compositions meant to appeal to individuals aged 5, 13 and 21 years old.

"The goal of the project was to explore fundamental principles of typographic form, where type is regarded as an image that serves a variety of communicative purposes," said Hajash. "Students explored form and counterform, meaning, color, use of grid, hierarchy, legibility and readability, structure and composition, and the design process."

The compositions added to the ambience of that night's Architorture, the annual Halloween celebration at the College of Architecture hosted by the American Institute of Architecture Students.


- Posted: Nov. 4, 2009-

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