The College of Architecture has set aside $1 million to develop
a 16-acre parcel of land that has been offered to the college
by Texas A&M University. Tentatively dubbed the "Architecture
Ranch," the land is located in the middle of A&M's Riverside
Campus (west of Highway 47, just south of the junction with Highway
The college plans to use the site as a testing ground for college
research initiatives and student projects in construction, design,
planning, landscape architecture and art.
On Nov. 8, 2003, several faculty members gathered at the site,
and later at the Langford Architecture Center, for a daylong charrette
aimed at designing facilities and strategies for utilizing the
new area.
Below, in PDF format, are notes and PowerPoint presentations
developed by the three charrette teams.
Team A presentation (700K
Team A notes (22K
Team B presentation (938K
Team C presentation (881K
Team C notes (47K