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Historic preservation network

Geva elected to Association of
Preservation Technology Board



Anat Geva was recently elected to a two-year term on the Association of Preservation Technology Board of Directors.

With Geva’s appointment, the Center for Heritage Conservation and Texas A&M University now have three members on the APT Board, reported David Woodcock, CHC director. “Nancy McCoy, AIA is the national treasurer and serves on the executive committee, and Pete Chalfant, with Gensler-Houston, is beginning his second year on the board.”

Geva received a doctorate in architecture from Texas A&M in 1995 after joining faculty in 1991. She earned a Master of Architecture degree from Ohio State University in 1975 and a bachelor's degree in architecture and city planning from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in 1973.

Geva's areas of interests include architectural design, historic buildings and climate, sacred architecture, history of building technology, and Frank Lloyd Wright's sacred architecture. She is also a Center for Heritage Conservation Faculty Fellow.

Geva earned the 1997 James Marston Fitch Award for her project, "Frank Lloyd Wright's Architecture: A Computerized Energy Simulation Study." She was also awarded the William W. Caudill Graduate Research Fellowship in 1994, an award given for the best dissertation proposal in the College of Architecture.

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) is a cross-disciplinary, membership organization dedicated to promoting the best technology for conserving historic structures and their settings. Membership in APT provides opportunities for networking and the exchange of ideas.

APT members, who hail from more than 30 countries, include preservationists, architects, engineers, conservators, consultants, contractors, craftspersons, curators, developers, educators, historians, landscape architects, students, technicians, and other persons directly involved in the application of methods and materials to maintain, conserve, and protect historic structures and sites for future use and appreciation.

The international, interdisciplinary character of APT — with its outstanding publications, conferences, training courses, awards, student scholarships, regional chapters, and technical committees — makes it the premier worldwide network for anyone involved in the field of historic preservation.

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Anat Geva, associate professor in the Department of Architecture