“Portrait (featuring With and Without),” a Friday night avant-garde performance involving a self-administered haircut by senior visual studies major Patrick LeMieux, concluded his six-part senior show, which was presented over the course of several evenings last week. According to LeMieux, “With and Without” celebrates the idea of self portrait. It was an encore performance of his 2005 haircutting event. “After growing my hair and beard for a year,” explained LeMieux, “I documented the process of cutting/shaving and the effects on the sink and utensils.” Other performances included yogic endurance tests and a rock and roll seance. For a full and evolving description of the entire show visit LeMieux's Web site http://patrick-lemieux.com/. Please be advised that portions of this performance were controversial and that some of the material depicted on this Web site may be perceived as offensive for some if taken out of its academic context.
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