Return of a
native son

Prof heads to Bangladesh
as a Fulbright Scholar

A Fulbright Scholarship, awarded this year to Ifte Choudhury, a Texas A&M construction science professor, will allow the educator to return to his native country, Bangladesh, and help establish an architecture curriculum at Prime University.

The U.S. government’s Fulbright Scholarship program funds an annual international exchange of scholars and professionals. Each year, the program sends about 800 U.S. scholars abroad to over 140 countries and brings another 800 foreign scholars to the United States. Senator J. William Fulbright founded the program in 1947 in the aftermath of World War II as a vehicle for promoting “mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries of the world.”

“Fulbright is such a great deal,” Choudhury said. “I am extremely pleased to be selected for the award.”

One of Choudhury’s main objectives will be to help Prime University officials set up the architecture program and establish curriculum for the department. He will develop courses in mechanical, electrical, lighting, water supply and drainage sub-systems for buildings.

The professor, who teaches environmental control systems courses at A&M, plans to adapt and implement the courses he teaches, making them relevant to Bangladesh — both culturally and technologically. In addition to enriching the minds of students at Prime University, Choudhury said his trip to Bangladesh promises to benefit the construction science program at Texas A&M.

“The courses which I have been requested to develop by the host university in Bangladesh are similar to the courses that I teach in the Department of Construction Science,” Choudhury said. “The emphasis on rainwater harvesting and water supply curriculum (at Prime University) may be a good addition for the A&M program. The knowledge I gain in Bangladesh could be incorporated in the courses I teach here.”

Choudhury has been a member of the Texas A&M faculty since 1994. He received his bachelor’s degree from the Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, in an architecture department that was founded in 1962 by the late Richard Vrooman, professor emeritus of the Texas A&M Department of Architecture.

Choudhury’s 10-month visit to Dhaka, Bangladesh begins in September.

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Ifte Choudhury