Preparing for the inevitable, citizens and community leaders
of Key West, Fla., took a progressive look at innovative hurricane
preparedness and post-hurricane recovery options developed by
faculty and students at Texas A&M University during a special
two-day summit held July 20-21 at Key West High School.
The city invited a team of architects, landscape architects,
urban planners, disaster mitigation specialists and students
from Texas A&M’s College of Architecture to share the
latest thinking for empowering communities in the aftermath of
a major hurricane.
“We are all in it together on this island, and if some
of us get hurt, like we did in [Hurricane] Wilma, we all get
hurt; especially our vulnerable populations like children and
the elderly,” said Morgan McPherson, mayor of Key West. “Most
of us were lucky last year, but some of us were badly hit. We
want a plan so we can take care of each other.”
According to summit organizers, the objective of this grassroots,
communitywide initiative was to re-conceptualize disaster recovery
as a community event. They want to:
Formalize a recovery and enhancement plan in the event that a
Category 2 through 5 storm hits the Florida Keys;
Inform summit participants of the appropriate procedures to follow
before, during and after such events; and
Develop community awareness of the role design and planning can
play in resolving disaster-related problems.
“The College of Architecture at Texas A&M University
and our Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center are uniquely suited
for addressing problems related to natural and man-made disasters,” explained
J. Thomas Regan, dean of the college.
“In the aftermath of the Katrina hurricane disaster,” Regan
continued, “the college marshaled its intellectual resources
to support recovery and reconstruction efforts throughout the
U.S. Gulf Coast. For the last year, we have employed our uniquely
deep and broad multidisciplinary expertise to develop sustainable,
just, economically viable and holistic solutions to disaster
preparedness and recovery.”
One such project was a design studio, led by landscape architecture
professor Jody Rosenblatt Naderi and supported by faculty throughout
the college, which took aim at disaster contingencies for Key
“We are very pleased and honored by this opportunity to
share the fruits of those labors with the citizens of Key West,” said
The Texas A&M team’s “empowering” post-disaster
vision for Key West involves the speedy transformation of pre-defined
relief areas into small and large livable communities with amenities
addressing the entire spectrum of post-disaster needs — physical,
as well as emotional, explained Rosenblatt Naderi, leader of
Texas A&M’s Key West initiative. The vision calls for
portable, off-the-grid housing, “surge” healthcare
centers to alleviate potentially overwhelmed or inoperative hospitals,
communication and infrastructure hubs, and even shaded “pop-up” parks,
supervised playground facilities and planned activities for children
and families — components which can be quickly set up and
operable in the wake of a devastating event.
A poster exhibit showcasing the A&M team’s post-disaster
solutions for the Key West community were displayed at the summit,
and a book highlighting summit proceedings was prepared and distributed
to participants after the event.
“What makes Key West unique,” said Rosenblatt Naderi,
who is a native of the Florida Keys, “is a cultural attitude
that favors riding out a storm over evacuating. Research shows
that many coastal cultures view hurricanes as both a creative
and destructive force. Our post-disaster strategy takes advantage
of this concept by focusing on community recovery, and even individual
healing, as a transformative experience that can be supported
by recovery sites designed to encourage this renewal process.”
Among the problems addressed by Rosenblatt Naderi’s design
studio, was developing a strategy to avoid the mishaps that occurred
in the aftermath of Wilma — a Category 2 hurricane that
brushed Key West late last October, causing considerable wind
damage and widespread flooding.
There were no appropriate community sites then for staging relief
efforts, recalled Ty Symroski, then city planner for Key West, “just
hot and shade-less lines for everything from water to insurance
information. The federal recovery support [workers] shuttled
everyone through a system designed to give out FEMA information
and survival supplies, but [the effort] was not designed to handle
our needs with dignity or to consider that our recovery might
require places to come together as a community.”
Working with Symroski, the Texas A&M landscape architecture
students developed plans for directing relief trucks, workers
and the initial flood of disaster response personnel to 27 pre-defined
staging areas, such as schools, parking lots and municipal buildings,
which would be prepared to contend with the many facets of disaster
“We knew if a hurricane hit, people would all have to
live cut off from the mainland for up to a month or longer,” said
Travis Hawkins, a senior landscape architecture student whose
work on the project entailed a great deal of research into the
history, geography and culture of the Florida Keys, which are
exclusively attached to the mainland by U.S. Highway 1. “That
meant food, materials, water and communications all had to be
provided for on site or imported via water and air.”
The project also detailed the possible conversion of the 37-acre
Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park into a “Village
of Renewal,” which could be a temporary home for up to
5,000 displaced residents. That plan examined everything from
portable housing, to the use of a nuclear submarine to generate
energy for the temporary community.
Other Texas A&M faculty working with Rosenblatt Naderi’s
studio include Pliny Fisk, an architecture professor and director
of the Center for Maximum Building Potential, who focused on
portable housing solutions and issues of sustainability; Carla
Prater, associate director of Texas A&M’s Hazard Reduction
and Recovery Center, who directed disaster planning and mitigation
initiatives; and Nancy Volkman, a professor in the Department
of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning.
Key West community leaders who participated in the summit included
the mayor, city council members, the chamber of commerce, local
architects and urban planners, representatives from the local
electric and water authorities, and even members of the Key West
arts community.
“If people know what is going on, they will be more likely
to participate in the preparation and recovery efforts,” said
Donna Flowers, an assistant to the mayor and member of the committee
that is organizing the summit. “We joke about partying
during the hurricane because none of us leave, but we also need
to understand that no one will help us more than we can help
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Student work from LAUP professor Jody Rosenblatt
Naderi's design studio
Larger images>>
“Be prepared for some extraordinary
things to happen, and some rather rum stuff too, should Key
West be seriously
damaged in a major hurricane — and should the strategies
proposed at last week’s hurricane symposium be implemented
as the city’s recovery plan,” begins an article
on the summit penned by Mark Howell, for the Key West news
weekly, Solares Hill. For full article text: