Charles Culp, associate professor of architecture and associate
director of the Energy Systems Laboratory at Texas A&M University,
is one of four international reviewers invited by Finland to
evaluate the direction and effectiveness of the country’s
Building Services Program. The review covered building performance
characteristics and energy efficiency, retrofits, virtual spaces
in 4-D, lighting, various heating and cooling systems including
current and future technologies, housing technologies and numerous
other technology areas in both commercial buildings and residential
The review was funded by the National Technology Agency of Finland
(Tekes), the main public funding organization for research and
development in Finland. Tekes funds industrial projects as well
as projects in research organizations, and especially promotes
innovative, risk-intensive projects. It also offers the country’s
international partners a gateway to the key technology players
in Finland.
The CUBE: Building Services Technology Programme was launched
at the beginning of 2002 with the intention of improving the
performance of the service content of building services in the
property sector, in both residential and non-residential premises.
Further aims are to provide up-to-date premises tailored to the
needs of users, and added value for property owners on the basis
of life-cycle benefits and functional space.
In May, 2006, two representatives from Finland’s Building
Services Technology (BST) program visited the College of Architecture
at Texas A&M University to investigate technological and
educational exchange and colaborative opportunities.
The visitors. Jarmo Heinonen and Markku Virtanen, are responsible
for Finland’s “CUBE” initiative, which is aimed
at improving the performance, design and energy efficiency of
the country’s building services industry.