Feature Stories
CHUD helps Mexican Consulate The Center of Housing and Urban Development (CHUD) at Texas A&M University’s College of Architecture is collaborating with the Institute of Mexicans Abroad and the Mexican Consulate in El Paso, Texas in the implementation of a new pilot program aimed at protecting the rights and well-being of Mexican nationals in the United States. The program, Ventanilla de Salud, or Windows of Health, provides bilingual health-care education and advocacy to Mexicans in Texas, while helping them take advantage of the myriad services provided by the Mexican government through the Mexican Consulate in El Paso. The office assists an average of 150-200 Mexican nationals per day with issues as diverse as health care counseling and assistance with insurance policies. CHUD’s role in the collaborative program is funded by a $29,000 grant from the Mexican government's Institute of Mexicans Abroad, which allows CHUD outreach workers to act as liaisons between the Hispanic residents of El Paso’s rural and urban communities and the Ventanilla de Salud program. CHUD serves the region through its Western Rio Grande Region Colonias Program, which is designed to assist residents of low-income settlements, or colonias, in improving the quality of their lives. The program works in partnership with local government, state and federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations to promotes the active involvement of residents in strengthening the social infrastructure of the community. For more
information about CHUD’s partnership with the Mexican
Consulate’s Ventanilla de Salud program, contact Pema Garcia, associate
director of CHUD’s Western Rio Grande Region at 877-860-9528. LAUP Lecture Series presents Lee Einsweiler, vice president of Duncan Associates in Austin, a nation land development firm, will present three lectures at the College of Architecture on Monday, April 17 as part of the 2006 Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Lecture Series. Einsweiler’s first presentation, “Implementing the Law: An Introduction to Plan Implementation” is set for 8 – 9:30 a.m. in George Rogers’ class, Langford C 205; lunch will be served during Einsweiler’s lunchtime lecture, “Entering the Job Market,” set for 12:30 – 2 p.m. in the Langford B Exhibit Hall; and 2:30 – 4 p.m. he will talk about “Embedding Design in Local Regulations” in the Preston Geren auditorium in Langford B. Einsweiler heads Duncan Associate’s Austin code drafting operation and serves as project manager for clients throughout the country and especially in the southeastern United States. He has been heavily involved in drafting development regulations aimed at preserving water quality and the environment. For two years, he taught planning and regulation for growth management as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Community and Regional Planning at the University of Texas. The LAUP Lecture Series is open to the public. For more information, contact Clarissa Garcia or George Rogers Professor-architect is proponent of evidence-based healthcare design Texas A&M University architecture professor Kirk Hamilton is a man on a mission: he's determined to make his discipline more rigorous by focusing on objectively measuring the impacts of designers' choices on the environments and occupants of the structures they build. Read complete story: U&RS Ph.D. students place first Research conducted by two doctoral students in Urban and Regional Science, Zhenghong “Tommy” Tang and Liang Chang, earned first place honors and other awards in their respective categories at Texas A&M University’s 2006 Student Research Week (SRW) competition. Both are research assistants in the Hazards Reduction and Recovery Center. Tang, who hails from Hunan, China, presented an oral presentation, on “measuring strategic environmental assessment capacities of local land use comprehensive planning in California.” In addition to first place honors, Tang’s presentation earned the SRW Interdisciplinary Research Recognition Award. Liang Chang, from Nanyang, China, earned first place for his social science poster presentation, "A Hurricane Wind Risk Assessment Methodology." He also garnered the Lone Star Graduate Diversity Colloquium Choice Award and an SRW Interdisciplinary Research Recognition Award. Chang is a graduate fellow in the HRRC’s Sustainable Coastal Margins Program. Also, Sudha Arlikatti from Kerala, India, another HRRC research assistant and URS Ph.D. student, earned third place at the SRW competition for her presentation, “The Role of Trust and Stakeholder Interactions in Seismic Safety.” She has accepted a faculty post at the University of North Texas, and will be starting in the fall. Guariglia is PKP outstanding junior Stephanie Guariglia, bachelor of environmental design student from Austin, Texas, was recognized April 15 as an outstanding junior by Phi Kappa Phi, the oldest and largest interdisciplinary honor society in the United States. Paper on climate change planning A paper exploring planning strategies for adapting to global climate change, by Himanshu Grover, master of urban planning student at Texas A&M, has recently earned two special recognitions. Grover’s work earned the “Best Paper Award,” in a special session on Global Climate Change at the Ecological Integration Student Research Symposium help April 1 at Texas A&M. Additionally, Grover was invited to present the paper at the Planners for Tomorrow Forum (P4T), this June at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Grover’s paper included research conducted by the Environment Planning and Sustainability Research Unit (EPSRU) of the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center at the Texas A&M University College of Architecture. The research was supported by the Institute for Science, Technology & Public Policy at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, also at Texas A&M. “While the recent scientific findings validate the changing climate, the field of urban planning has so far remained insensitive to the issue,” Grover said. “This research incorporates climate change research within local planning initiatives for urban sustainability, and identifies specific tools and measures that can help urban settlements adapt to changing climate.” A native of India, Grover earned a bachelor’s degree in physical planning at School of Planning and Architecture in New Delhi. He worked for six years with a non-governmental organization in India before beginning urban planning studies at Texas A&M. The MUP program, he said, “offers a unique opportunity to integrate research on urban and regional planning, natural hazard management and sustainability. ” This June’s P4T Forum in Vancouver, is the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Planning Students CAPS. This year, CAPS has invited planning students from around the world to help generate student recommendations that will be presented at the World Planners Congress (June 17-20) and the United Nation ’s World Urban Form on Planners for Tomorrow (June 19-23). Computer staff offers weekly IT Q&A Want to learn how to schedule a meeting using Microsoft Outlook? Wondering how to take advantage of the “shared” drive on the College of Architecture server? Answers to these and even more perplexing computer technology problems will be provided in computer services’ new question and answer forums to be held 1 - 2 p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday in Langford A 217. During these sessions arranged for college faculty and staff, Yurii Havey, the college's senior microcomputer and LAN specialist, will lead informal discussions, demonstrate software and provide advice for utilizing the various services and applications supported by the college. "You can e-mail me questions ahead of time or just show up during the scheduled times and I will do my best to answer your questions or work to find the answers, said Havey. "The complexity of the systems prevents anyone one person from knowing everything, but I will do my best to find answers in a timely fashion." Performance evaluation process As a reminder to those in supervisory roles, annual performance evaluations must be completed between March 1 and May 31, 2006, in accordance with University Rule 33.99.03.M1. Information regarding the evaluation process can be viewed at Employees may now receive a merit raise based on performance that is rated at the level of "meets expectations" or higher overall rating. Historically, the rating must have been at the level of "exceeds expectations" or higher overall rating. This information supersedes the criteria used for awarding annual merit increases in the past. All other existing criteria for awarding merit raises must be met according to the budget guidelines and the rule governing merit raises. A tutorial is accessible at Questions regarding the annual performance evaluation process or the new criteria for awarding merit raises should be directed to Employee Development at or 845-4153. Status
report on computer
Reasons for not being operational * 1 - Projector stolen. Today - April 13 Lighting Exposed — ARCH 433 Lighting Show: Jill Mulholland's ARCH 433 class will set up their lighting installations in the Langford Gallery and throughout the Langford Architecture Center Complex. The show, "Lighting Exposed," will run from 9 p.m. - midnight. In addition to the student work, three case studies from Mulholland's Ph.D. project will be presented in the gallery in video format running on continuous five-minute loops. On Friday night, Mulholland's outdoor installation can be viewed after dark at the Riverside Campus. For details and to arrange meeting at the gate to gain entrance to the Riverside Campus, contact Jill Mulholland at MUP Professional Advisory Council meets 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. in the Langford A Gallery. For more information, contact Clarissa Garcia at 845-1019 or Department of Architecture Scholarship Awards Banquet & Ceremony is set for 6 - 10 p.m. at the Pebble Creek Country Club. The event is still being planned, but there will be a fee to attend and reservations will be required. Inside Track will update the relevant information when it is available. In the meantime, direct your queries to Melinda Randle 847-8918 or Friday - April 14 Mulholland's Riverside Campus Light Installation: The outdoor portion of Jill Mulholland's Ph.D. light project will be displayed after dark at the Texas A&M Riverside Campus. Anyone interested in viewing the project should meet Jill at the gate around 9 p.m. Please e-mail her at at for details. The Ph.D. project at the Riverside campus, as well as five case studies, were funded by a $20,000 Nuckolls Fund Grant. The projects will be evaluated by lighting experts Charles Linn, Marietta Millet and Dick Peters. Three of the case studies will be presented with other student work in the Langford Gallery as part of Thursday night's light show. AIAS Film & Architecture Series: AIAS will screen "The Passion of Joan of Arc" from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Preston Geren Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public. Carl Dreyer’s 1928 masterpiece about the trial and death of France’s 15th Century warrior-maiden reverses the cliché that "life imitates art. With its stunning camerawork and striking compositions, Dreyer’s film convinced the world that movies could be art. Renée Falconetti gives one of the greatest performances ever recorded on film, as the young maiden who died for God and France. Long thought to have been lost to fire, the original version was miraculously found in perfect condition in 1981—in a Norwegian mental institution For more information, please
contact Bradley Angell/979-571-4369/ Wednesday - April 19 "Texas Chapels in the Landscape of Light" with Dr. Nora Laos from the College of Architecture at the University of Houston. Laos holds a Ph.D. in architecture and a M.F.A. from Princeton University; a M.Arch and B.S. in architectural studies from the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. The lecture will be held 5 – 7 p.m. in the Preston M. Geren Auditorium. Annual Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning Awards Banquet: 6 - 10 p.m. at the Briarcrest Country Club. The planning for the event is under way, invitations will be mailed closer to the banquet date. For more information, contact Clarissa Garcia at 845-1019 or SPRING 2006: CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS: Friday - April 21 “A Case Study of Tropical Storm Allison (2001)” — a presentation by professors Fuqing Zhang and John Nielsen-Gammon of Texas A&M’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences is slated for 10 a.m. Friday, April 21 in Langford C 205. The lecture is sponsored by the Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center at the Texas A&M University College of Architecture. Friday & Saturday – May 5 & 6 Viz-a-GoGo 13 — “Your Luck's About to Change:” The 13th annual showcase of student work from the Department of Architecture’s Master of Science in Visualization Science program, Viz-a-GoGo, runs May 1 - May 6 in the Rudder Exhibit Hall. The “flat-work” exhibit, featuring paintings, figure drawings, photography and work from the Spring 2006 Artists in Residents workshops will be on display throughout the week. On Friday and Saturday, May 5 and 6, the show escalates with student demonstrations at 4 p.m. followed by screenings of 2-D and 3-D time-based works at 7 p.m. in Rudder Theatre. For this, the show’s 13th year, the students have chosen the theme “good luck, bad luck and superstitions.” In keeping with the theme, the 2006 digital emcee for the screening will be a voodoo doll. Also slated for the Friday and Saturday night finales are guest performances by a Texas A&M dance troupe and the percussion ensemble, “Percussion Studio.” There’s no charge for the event, but the show’s creators warn that some material may not be appropriate for young children. TEX-GRAPH 2006: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. in the Preston M. Geren Auditorium and Langford B Exhibit Hall. Graphics researchers and educators from Texas gather for this mini-symposium to present current work based on computer graphics and interactive techniques. The planning for the event is under way. More details will be forthcoming. For more information, contact Margaret Lomas at 845-3465 or Saturday - May 6 LAUP Department Picnic for faculty, staff and students and their families. The location and time of this event has not yet been established. For more details or suggestions, contact June Withers at 845-1046 or Tuesday - May 9
“Over the Hedge,” the Dreamworks film, follows a band of woodland animals as they learn to co-exist with — even exploit — a strange new world called suburbia. The comic strip of the same name and theme is written and drawn by Michael Fry and T. Lewis, who have known each other since 1992 when they both contributed to the “Mickey Mouse” comic strip. The duo work on their “Over the Hedge” strip via the telephone and the fax machine. For movie details and previews, visit: To learn more about the syndicated cartoon strip, visit: Thursday - May 11 COSC Graduation Reception: 1 - 8 p.m. in Langford A Atrium. For more information, contact Ann Eastwood at 845-0289 or Saturday - May 13 2006 Houston Art Car Parade: A car painted by Mary Saslow's students will be in the parade. For more information, contact Mary Saslow at Tuesday - May 30 Secret Pal Luncheon: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in Langford B Exhibit Hall exclusively for Secret Pal participants. For more information, contact Susie Billings at 847-9357 or Viz film
screening held in Bryan |